March 3, 2009

NY and CA dog riders on the storm

by winecountrydog

Does anybody know this beautiful NY sheepdog whose pic has become popular?

NY dog gets a ride from mum
. . . A lucky dog! His or her human carried him or her through the snow on the Upper East Side of New York on March 2 — the day that the East Coast of the U.S. had a big, big snow, wind, and rain storm.

The very same day we had a big, big rain, wind, and snow storm here on the West Coast.

Me, Tilin Corgi, riding in our car
It was so wet that we northern California Corgis rode in the car and only popped out fur a mini-walkie.

Jack Corgi and I used up extra towels in the backseat fur dryin' off.

Jack Corgi, riding with me in our car
We don't mind the rain. But we'd like to see some snow down here.

We do mind high winds. Hope they're done makin' those arful scary noises.

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