November 5, 2008

California farm animal victory!

by winecountrydog

You've never seen more smilin' people in Sonoma County than there were on Election Night 2008 at the Flamingo ballroom after California polls closed.

Election Night '08 at the Flamingo ballroom
People ordered drinks while they were waitin' fur ballots to be counted. Some folks checked the numbers on cell phones.

Election Night '08 at the Flamingo ballroom
Then the big screen flashed the news that Barack Obama had won. Cheers went up. Tears fell. People hugged. Dogs howled woo woo woo.

Anxious Proposition 2 campaign volunteers continued to keep their eyes glued to the big screen, waiting fur confirmation of a YES vote.

Prop 2 campaign volunteer Lisa waiting fur poll results
Finally the Prop 2 results flashed on-screen. YES! A victory fur farm animal welfare! Cheers went up. Tears fell. People hugged. Dogs howled woo woo woo.

Woof, we won! 6.1 million voters said YES! The Farm Sanctuary folks said
"The YES! on Prop 2 campaign has been the greatest undertaking on behalf of farm animals in U.S. history, raising enough public awareness and support to end three of the cruelest confinement systems with one ballot measure. . . ."
People danced and drank and smiled. The Thugz Cosmic Americana band played on into the night. Dog-ma went around through the crowd passin' out Prop 2 stickers.

People kept smiling as they ate Obama cake.

Obama '08 cake ~ Election Night at the Flamingo Hotel Ballroom, Santa Rosa, California
But, oh howl, there wasn't any Prop 2 cake.

That's okay. My Ani Siamese, always creative, will whip up some vegan cookies and a sign: Hurray fur California farm animals!

Paw-note: Farm Sanctuary has a statement about the passage of California Proposition 2 at MarketWatch. "Monumental Victory for Farm Animals: Nation's Leading Farm Animal Protection Organization Celebrates Precedent-setting Phase-out of Factory Farming Confinement Systems in Largest Agricultural State."

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